What does PICA mean is explained earlier. 1 noun pica size of typeface 1 noun pica medical: eating disorder 1 noun pica a printers unit of measurement, equal to 12 points or 0.166 ins 0 noun pica (formerly) a size of printers type equal to 12 point 0 noun pica a typewriter type size having. Till now you might have got some idea about the acronym, abbreviation or meaning of PICA. noun pica an abnormal appetite or craving for substances that are not fit to eat, as chalk or clay, common in malnutrition, pregnancy, etc. What is the meaning of PICA The meaning of the PICA is also explained earlier. Seitdem werden die Geschäfte unter der Bezeichnung OCLC EMEA Regional Council (EMEARC) geführt, wobei die englische Abkürzung EMEA für Europe, the Middle East and Africa steht. Pica is also seen as a symptom in several neurobiological disorders, including autism and Tourettes syndrome, and it is sometimes seen. Pica is a classic clue to iron deficiency in children, and it may also occur with zinc deficiency. 2007 wurde OCLC PICA vollständig von dem Online Computer Library Center übernommen. Pica: A craving for something that is not normally regarded as nutritive, such as dirt, clay, paper, or chalk. Our hope is that children with pica will receive early intervention to prevent pica from developing into life-threatening behavior.Ĭopyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. The Definition of PICA is given above so check it out related information. Das Akronym PICA steht dabei für Project of Integrated Catalogue Automation. Our hope is that administrators, professionals and practitioners will consider our guidelines and recommendations as they attempt to protect people with pica and developmental disabilities from harm by developing standards for assessment, treatment and prevention for this difficult-to-treat population. These recommendations are based on two extensive reviews of the literature and our extensive experience as practitioners in the treatment of pica. We make recommendations for assessment, treatment, and prevention of pica for practitioners. A second limitation of current research is that some studies reduced pica substantially, but pica responses still occurred at rates that are problematic in terms of prevention of adverse consequences, which leaves practitioners with the task of further decreasing pica to protect people exhibiting pica from harm. While a number of published studies have demonstrated that pica behavior can be decreased substantially with behavioral treatment, few of these studies incorporated strategies for generalization and maintenance outside of brief sessions.

Studies also indicate that pica has led to the death of people with developmental disabilities.

Pica is a dangerous form of self-injurious behavior that occurs in people with developmental disabilities who are institutionalized.