The target language of the code preview is the one configured as "Favorite Code Export" in the Export Options: The Code Preview shares a tabbed pane with the Arranger Index in the right part of the Structorizer main window: The code preview is enabled via menu " Diagram › Show Code preview?": Since release 3.30, you may directly watch the effects of your editing the diagram on the code that would be exported into your favourite programming language. Possibly, some additional export options might be introduced to address diverging demands.) Live Code Preview (However, if you think that the exported code serves too exotic a dialect and should better be replaced by a more compatible output, just contact the Structorizer team, please, and raise an issue, ideally giving a reference to the respective programming language specification or documentation. So it's not unlikely that the derived code may work with one system but cause errors with another. Please be aware that for some languages there is a plenty of dialects out there. And even experienced programmers who want to document their algorithms are spared a great deal of duplicate work if they start with Structorizer and then just export and adaptate the designed algorithm. Despite the incompleteness code export will already help the programming beginner a lot. "TODO" comments placed in the code will help the beginner in perceiving what is to be done to accomplish the output. Or some algorithmic features like exit Jumps or PARALLEL sections may not be supported by the target language. Typically, variable declarations will have to be provided, for instance. What you yet will obtain is an almost correct algorithmic skeleton that will have to be post-processed a bit manually to achieve a working program or routine. This wouldn't be feasible because a (more or less syntax-free) Nassi-Shneiderman diagram will usually not specify all details a specific language might require. In most cases, however, you may not expect a flawless and instantly compilable or executable code.
#Structorizer generator
See Export Code for more details and Export Options for possible generator configuration items. To generate source files, select the respective menu item of submenu " File › Export › Code". a central predominant ini file is used which contains a line "noExportImport=1" (versions ≥ 3.30-11).